Fotos: / Mia Coldheart (Facebook)

Por: Cinthya Bolado 

Who decided to name the band Crucified Barbara and Why? , Did the band have that name since 1998? 
Yes, 1998 was the year! The name comes from the Roskilde Festival in Denmark, where the band members (before I was in the band, I joined in 2000) were going to party and have fun. They saw a guy carrying a blow up doll crucified to a cross, and they thought that vision was something extra. In Sweden, all blow up dolls used to be called ”Barbara” at the time, so what they saw was a crucified barbara. The girls went back to Stockholm and talked about writing a song on this theme, but it ended up being the bands new name.

Crucified Barbara started in 1998 but your first record was released until 2005, I guess you started playing covers and creating your own music, Do you remember what was the first Crucified Barbara song you wrote? 

Since I wasn’t in the band from the very beginning, I don’t know about the first songs but I did play them anyway! We did some very early demo recordings in the Sheep Valley studio (the rehearsal place that we mention in In Distortion We Trust, Sheep Valley town) with some of those first songs. They were a bit different from today, very simple and straight on, aggressive with more raw punk/grunge attitude. 

What bands can you say that are Crucified Barbara’s biggest influences? 

We all started playing rock because of bands like Nirvana, Hole. L7, Babes in Toyland etc. But this was like in the early ’90s and we hadn’t met eachother. But when we all got together we had the same music background and taste. Since then I don’t think there is any band that you can call our biggest influences, because we all like different kind of music, and we don’t have any bands that we want to sound like or write songs alike. We just play and write riffs together and they become our songs. It’s a fun way to work together with music, no limits and no rules, just write and compose and play it together until it feels right. 

At first heard, you sound like a hard rock/heavy metal band, but you sound like no other band, you have like a kind of uniqueness, what do you think makes crucified Barbara sound different than the others? 

I’m happy to hear that! I think it’s the way we write music and our total lack of need to fit in somewhere. We just do our thing and we don’t feel a need to be either a metal band or a rock’n’rollband, we just play what we like. We jam in the rehearsal, writing all together, playing it over and over again until we feel that the song is finished, so when we write songs we are quite free from the world outside with influences and sounds. We work a lot to find good grooves for drum and bass, good harmonies for the 2 guitars and then I write the vocal melodies when the foundation feels good. I just write the melodies that I think fit to the music and the spirit of the song. so I don’t get much inspiration from other bands more than what I catch up on the radio in the car and other places where I can’t help hearing things. I don’t even listen to rock music much anymore because I want my head and mind to be free from other people’s music when I’m creating.

You’ve shared stage with bands like Motörhead, and you also covered a Motörhead’s /Girlschool’ song (“please don’t touch”) along with American dog. How is it to revive one of the best moments in rock? Do you know if any of the girls of girlschool or Lemmy have listened to that cover and which where their impressions about it? 

It was the french label we had in the beginning who wanted us to do a Motörhead song for a tribute album, and since we were touring with American Dog and we had the same label back then, we did this song together. It was good fun and it brings back memories from that time when we were young and unexperienced and went on our first tours outside Sweden. American Dog was the first band we toured with then and they thought us a lot of bad stuff already from the start ! We were touring with Motörhead in the UK for almost 4 weeks and the Girlschool-girls came to say hello, it was great to meet them, super nice and cool women. And Lemmy has heard the song as well, I think he think it’s ok. During the last gig in London, Phil Campbell said that we should play the song so we ended our set with Killed By Death and he played the guitar! It was so loud and sounded so cool! Unfortunately it was strictly forbidden to make video recordings so no one caught it on tape as it seems. But we keep the memory of that night with us! 

Sometimes people say that women can be friends but can’t be together for so much time, how is it to share your lifetime with 3 girls? 

Who are those idiots who say things like that? I would say that the people who fight the most in this world are men. And from what I know, Crucified Barbara is the only band in Stockholm or even in Sweden who has made 4 records during 10 years or touring, without changing the line up. When we are touring with boy bands, it’s them who are treating each other like shit, we are just good friends and respect each other, if we don’t agree on things or someone has a bad day we either solve the problem or let it go. I think being in a band or a group has nothing to do with if you’re a man or a woman, it has to do with if your personalities works together, and if the people in the group can cooperate or not.

You are about to release a new record, in the red, what would you say about that recording? 

It was recording in the beginning of 2014, in the Music-A-Matic Studio in Gothenburg, Sweden. Producer Chips Kiesbye and sound engineer Henryk Lipp, the same team that made The Midnight Chase. We wanted to work with them again because we loved their work on the last album and we all were curious to see how it would sound if we did it again, with some lessons learned and some new ideas. We spent about 2 weeks there and we did the backing vocals recordings in Stockholm.

What’s your favorite crucified Barbara’s album?, Why?

In the red, our new album that will be released in September. I love each song, and I love the way we have written the songs all of us together for about 6 months, we met every day in the rehearsal place to work on the album. It was so much hard work, and we were quite tired when we entered the studio right after but we never stopped giving it all until we were done. So about 1 year of really hard work and no money, was worth it in the way that we have made our best album ever in my opinion. I hope that the Crucifiers out there will take it to their hearts too! 

The nearest you’ve been from México is Brazil (I’m not sure if you’ve gone to USA) So, What would you say to those mexican fans that are waiting to see you one day performing here? 

We’ve been to North America in 2013 for a 6 weeks tour with Crashdiet. and to Brazil on our own tours 2 times. We will definitely do a bigger routing next time we come back, to play in Mexico and all the other cool places we’ve missed so far. We’ll coming over for sure, just need to find the right time for it! Hope to see you on tour then! 

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